Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

We recognise that many people turn to the Church at special or difficult times in their lives. We are always happy to listen and to help when we can regardless of whether you're a regular church-goer or not.



Baptism (often called Christening) is the service in which we welcome people into the Church. Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan and this was a turning point in his life. Jesus told his followers to baptise others as a sign that they had turned away from their old life, and begun a new life as Christ’s disciples.

Baptism is the first part of a two-part ritual. When babies and children are baptised their parents and godparents make promises on their behalf. The second part is Confirmation when people are teenagers or older and are able to confirm the promises for themselves. Often if adults want to be baptised they are confirmed by the Bishop in the same service.

Baptisms in Pembury are generally held on Sunday afternoons. Families are invited to a Sunday morning service prior to this to be introduced to the congregation, and following the baptism they are invited to another Sunday morning service to receive the baptism certificate. We hope that in this way you will build up friendship links with the church family of St. Peter's.

If you don’t live in the parish you will need the blessing of your own parish priest (which is normally a formality if there is a Pembury connection).

To find out more look at the Church of England website: The Church of England | Christenings



A marriage service is a public declaration of love and commitment to your partner. If you choose to get married in church, there is an extra dimension — the assurance that God cares about your relationship and that his resources and strength are available to help you. Including God in your marriage doesn’t mean that you will avoid the usual ups and downs, but you will know that you can look to God for help and guidance and that his love will sustain you.

If you live in Pembury you are entitled to be married in one of our churches. If you do not live in Pembury you need a 'qualifying connection'. The Vicar will be happy to discuss this with you.

To find out more look at the Church of England website: The Church of England | Weddings (


When a death occurs it is never an easy time. You are always welcome to talk to us about the death of a loved one. When it comes to the practicalities, to arrange a funeral in the first instance you should contact an undertaker who will advise you of the process and then liaise with the Church to find a time for the service which is suitable for all concerned.

God's love and power extend over all creation. Every life is precious to God. Christians have always believed that there is hope in death as in life and that there is new life in Christ over death.

Even those who share such faith find there is a real sense of loss at the time of the death of a loved one. We will each have had our own experiences of their life and death, with different memories and different feelings of love, grief and respect. The funeral service will acknowledge this and be an occasion for those present to express their faith and feelings as we say farewell to our loved one and commend them into God's hands.

To read more see the Church of England website: Funerals | The Church of England

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